Package-level declarations


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = false)
enum DeploymentType : Enum<DeploymentType>

An enum to represent the DeploymentType for a RemoteConfiguration.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = false)
enum FormType : Enum<FormType>

An enum to represent the FormType for a PreChatConfiguration.

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data class PreChatConfiguration(val formFields: List<PreChatField>, val hiddenFormFields: List<PreChatField>)

The configuration for a pre-chat form in the RemoteConfiguration.

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data class RemoteConfiguration(val name: String, val deploymentType: DeploymentType, val forms: List<PreChatConfiguration>, val choiceListConfiguration: ChoiceListConfiguration?, val termsAndConditions: TermsAndConditions?, val timestamp: Long)

Represents remote configuration information.