A CoreClient instance serves as the entry point to all Messaging for In-App actions and events.
Gets the Configuration that this instance is configured with.
Observes the current network connectivity status.
Observes the current network connectivity status.
Observes the current realtime connection state.
ConversationClient client for interacting with a conversation.
Retrieves n number of conversations from offline cached data sorted by latest activity. This only returns an order based on offline cached data, and may not reflect the real-time state of conversations if the client has not retrieved that activity.
Retrieves conversations available to the local participant.
Retrieves n number of conversations from offline cached data sorted by latest activity. This only returns an order based on offline cached data, and may not reflect the real-time state of conversations if the client has not retrieved that activity.
Retrieves conversations available to the local participant.
Retrieves conversations available to the local participant.
Retrieves n number of conversations from offline cached data sorted by latest activity. This only returns an order based on offline cached data, and may not reflect the real-time state of conversations if the client has not retrieved that activity.
Deregister the device from receiving push notifications.
Sends a read acknowledgement for a ConversationEntry.
Registers a provider for supplying hidden pre-chat values.
Registers a provider for supplying templated URL values for an auto-response messaging component.
Registers a provider for authorizing an already authenticated user using one of the supported UserVerificationTypes.
Retrieves the BusinessHoursInfo object.
Retrieves the RemoteConfiguration object from Core.
Re-sends a conversation entry.
Revokes the authorization token preventing any further operations until a new token is granted. If your UserVerificationProvider returns a new token, the user is re-authorized. No action occurs in this method if Configuration.isUserVerificationRequired is set to false