
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class TermsAndConditions(val isTermsAndConditionsEnabled: Boolean, val isTermsAndConditionsRequired: Boolean?, val label: String?) : FormField

A TermsAndConditions class that defines the configuration for legal terms.



Whether or not Terms and Conditions is enabled.


Determines whether or not the user must accept the Terms and Conditions. Optional.


The display label of Terms and Conditions.


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constructor(isTermsAndConditionsEnabled: Boolean, isTermsAndConditionsRequired: Boolean?, label: String?)


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open override var errorType: PreChatErrorType
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var isChecked: Boolean
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open override var isHidden: Boolean
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val label: String?
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var spannableString: SpannableString?

The label represented as a SpannableString that has been parsed.

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open override var userInput: String


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open override fun isValid(): Boolean

Indicates whether the field is valid.

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open override fun validate(): PreChatErrorType

Validates the form field