
data class CoreConversation(val identifier: UUID, val developerName: String, val participants: List<CoreParticipant>, val createdAt: Long? = null, val inboundHighWatermarkEntry: ConversationEntry? = null, val outboundHighWatermarkEntry: ConversationEntry? = null, val preChatFields: List<PreChatField>? = null, val activeParticipants: List<Participant> = emptyList(), val lastActivity: ConversationEntry? = null, val preChatSubmissionTimestamp: Long? = null, val termsAndConditions: TermsAndConditions? = null) : Conversation

Data for a conversation entity.

See also


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constructor(identifier: UUID, developerName: String, participants: List<CoreParticipant>, createdAt: Long? = null, inboundHighWatermarkEntry: ConversationEntry? = null, outboundHighWatermarkEntry: ConversationEntry? = null, preChatFields: List<PreChatField>? = null, activeParticipants: List<Participant> = emptyList(), lastActivity: ConversationEntry? = null, preChatSubmissionTimestamp: Long? = null, termsAndConditions: TermsAndConditions? = null)


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open override val activeParticipants: List<Participant>

A list of active Participants.

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open override val createdAt: Long? = null
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open override val developerName: String

The developer name.

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open override val identifier: UUID

The conversation's ID.

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open override val inboundHighWatermarkEntry: ConversationEntry? = null

Inbound high watermark entry.

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open override val lastActivity: ConversationEntry? = null

The last active ConversationEntry in a Conversation.

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Outbound high watermark entry.

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open override val participants: List<CoreParticipant>

A list of Participants in the conversation.

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open override val preChatFields: List<PreChatField>? = null

A list of PreChatFields.

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open override val preChatSubmissionTimestamp: Long? = null

Indicates the time that a Pre-Chat form was last submitted, in milliseconds since the epoch.

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open override val termsAndConditions: TermsAndConditions? = null

A TermsAndConditions object to indicate whether legal Terms and Conditions have been accepted.